Wednesday, October 23, 2013


All is well in my world today.  I woke up on top of the dirt again free of major pain and able to breathe and take sustenance.  My late morning cup of espresso and slice of Baba Louis' 4 Seeded Bread smothered with sun dried tomato, basil, and garlic cheese spread set the mood for the day.

I mowed the side/front lawn and collected some of the leaves.  Half of them went as mulch for our Blueberry bushes for the winter and the other half went into the compost pile to balance the three gallons of coffee grounds we got from Starbucks in Saratoga NY yesterday.  They actually pack it up in containers and leave them stacked up next to the back door for gardeners.  After that I just puttered in my garage the rest of the day.

Tomorrow I plan on planting our yearly crop of Garlic.  Once it is planted, we will cover this bed also with leaf mulch for the winter.  Garlic here is best planted during the World Series and harvested during the All-Star break.  The World Series has started.

 Tomorrow if the frost doesn't get them I will also pick the rest of the fall Lettuce.  Then all I will have left are the Carrots, Parsnips and a couple of Potato plants from the compost peelings.  For some reason, my eggplants did not produce.  I think because of a protracted wet spring and a shortened season.  Or I could possibly have planted the wrong breed.

I still have green beans planted also.  They have many blossoms but it has been too chilly for the  bees to work them.  They will probably join the compost heap next week and I am now going to watch Boston Red Sox beat the Saint Louis Cardinals.


  1. I think you mean watch the STL Cardinals beat the Boston Red Sox.....

  2. Just a different night and want to give them a chance. lol Actually it is refreshing to watch two good teams play!
