I was up reading until 3:00 Sunday morning. Because I ended up sleeping until 10:30 I missed church and had to do my worshiping/meditation outside in the garden. An added bonus to the acquired serenity was finally getting the Garlic planted. I have the one bed with about seventy five plants and now all I have to do is cover them with about eight inches of leaf mulch for the winter. I do have one other bed with some carrots and parsnips still in it that I probably won't harvest until we get some snow. The rest of the garden is put down for the winter.
The wife said yesterday that our life appeared boring and I tend to agree with her. I would never have believed that five years ago we were traveling overseas and visited Scotland, Great Britain. Germany. Switzerland, France and Spain. Now I get excited when the lawn tractor starts for me or I am awake long enough to work in the garden. My wife's excitement comes from her weekly volunteering at the local food shelf on Fridays.
Of course all bets are off if the Grand kids come for a weekend. Then it is a rush to the store to get frozen gluten free bread and bagels, Sun-butter, lactose free milk for one, rice milk for another, and also soy milk. We must not forget the hot dogs and bologna, nor must we forget to have enough mustard for the one that is allergic to tomatoes. He even puts it on french frys! And because Papa puts honey on his cereal all the kids must add it too. We actually buy it in quart jars from the local farmers market. That way we know that it does not have anything added to it (GMOs or other sweeteners) We must check on the location of the eppi-pens and their out dates and update their medical power of attorneys. Is all this worth it? Of course! They are the future, they are my Grand kids.
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