The beer in that tavern was exquisite, maybe because I didn't have to pay for to much of it. The people I met bought me a couple and had me check out a couple of local snacks. It was a fun time and I was out of the rain! It was so much fun that I was late for the afternoon opening of the hostel and by the time I got there the beds were filled and the people that could were sleeping on the furniture. there was only a little floor space left in the hallway. After a shower, the floor was quite welcome.
The next morning it was up at 7:00, buy a juice and some muesli to mix in fresh yogurt, and out the door with your backpack by 8:30 before they closed up for the day. If you were staying in the area for another night you could place your bags with everyone else's in a designated room that the matron would lock for the day and unlock when the hostel reopened in the evening. You had to do it this way because chances were very slim that you would get the same bed again. This was done at your own risk! There was a lot of competition that summer for places to stay.
Bock casemates today
The City of Luxembourg was great for walking. I did a lot of walking that summer. It didn't cost money. During your walk you can stroll from the eleventh century to the present in an afternoon. You can start in the upper old city along the winding river, with views of old fortress walls, castles, ramparts, the Bock casemates and markets of all sorts and work your way back to the lower modern city. I remember doing this all day in a warm light rain.
The next day was scheduled as a travel day back to West Germany.
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